Net Zero Lawyers Alliance

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The Net Zero Lawyers Alliance (NZLA) is a collective effort by legal professionals dedicated to supporting the global goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or earlier. They commit to several initiatives, including setting emissions targets, offering legal services that align with decarbonization goals, collaborating on systemic change in law and practice, and engaging in cooperative legal initiatives. To fulfill these commitments, they aim to align their law firm operations and legal services with net-zero objectives, provide training to legal professionals, collaborate with regulatory bodies, and annually publish climate action plans for accountability. Their actions are contingent on collaborative initiatives, client mandates, regulatory environments, and governmental commitments to meet the Paris Agreement objectives.


Each member of the Net Zero Lawyer's Alliance pledges to:
1. Cut operational emissions by a minimum of 50% by 2030 compared to 2019 levels.
2. Dedicate pro bono hours to initiatives aimed at meeting climate goals.
3. Enhance the expertise of their entire legal team.
4. Offer advice and guidance aligned with achieving net-zero objectives.

Member and Partner Publications

NZLA's Partners and Members have published the following:

